We care, we share, for the future we prepare
Hot meals are offered to all children in school. We have moved over to a new catering provider Chartwells, with a new exciting menu to choose from.
The cost of the meals is £2.45 per day (£12.25 per week). You can choose, book and pay for the meals using ParentPay. If your child is entitled to free school meals, you will be able to choose and book the meals at no cost. We have introduced a more convenient way to pay online for school meals, using ParentPay. The system is both secure and flexible. Meal choices have to be ordered one week in advance and can be changed or cancelled at any point up to the cut off time of midnight on a Sunday.
We will no longer be accepting cash or cheque payments. Parents who need to continue making payments by cash may do so using the PayPoint network at local convenience stores.
Please find below letters with detailed information and the menu from Chartwells.