
Shaftesbury Junior School

We care, we share, for the future we prepare

British Values

British Values


What does 'British values' mean?


British values are:


  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith


At Shaftesbury, we promote these fundamental British values explicitly through displays and implicitly through our PSHCE and RE curriculum.  These values are embedded in our school ethos and are explored further through our work on character values.


We have an active school council; two members from each class are elected in a democratic process and go on to represent their classmates at fortnightly meetings.  The school councillors also fulfil an important role as our ambassadors and show parents round on parents' evenings.  However, the highlight of the year is often the annual visit to the Houses of Parliament when they get to also meet with our local MP, Liz Kendall.


