
Shaftesbury Junior School

We care, we share, for the future we prepare


Welcome to our 2024-25 4S Class Page!



4S have started year 4 with great enthusiasm and confidence! I have been impressed with their listening and concentration skills so far and their contributions to class discussions. I am very excited to be on this journey through year 4 with them all.  


We have some fun topics to explore over the autumn term, kicking off with the Romans in history and states of matter in science. Please remember to choose one homework task from your sheet of options and hand it in each Wednesday. This background knowledge will really help you in lessons and to remember what you have learnt in the future!


Take care,
Mrs Stabik


4S key information

Here you will find key information about what we will be learning at school and any work you may need to complete at home.


PE: We now have PE every Thursday morning (PE skills) and Friday afternoon this term so please come to school wearing your PE kit on those days. Trainers MUST be worn.  


Reading: Please read at home as often as you can (every day if possible) and fill in a line of your reading miles sheet, after every read. You need to bring your books to school every day. Please ensure they are returned to our library once you have finished reading them so they can be swapped. In year 4, you can change your books on a Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime. 


Homework: Every week, you need to complete any homework given out - see the homework choices document below. Please stick your homework in your homework book and bring it in by Wednesday. Each time homework from the choices sheet is handed in, you will enter a raffle to win something from my box of treats at the end of the week. You will take your homework book home with you every Friday


Spellings: Please ensure you practise your spellings every week. This includes learning the spelling pattern, learning the definition and being able to use the word in a sentence. We will test spellings every Friday. At the end of the day, you will take home your new spellings to learn for the following week.


Times-tables: Please, please ensure you practise your times-tables regularly. If you have access to an internet-enabled device, enjoy playing Times Tables Rockstars – a fun way to practise and compete against your classmates! You can also practise your times-tables on Purple Mash, Literacy Gold and other apps and online sites such as the Top Maths Hit The Button game. Memorising times-tables will help support you in all areas of maths in year 4 and the rest of primary and secondary school. 

Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024-25

4S Autumn 2024 Timetable version 2 (PE skills on Thursdays)

English grammar support
