We care, we share, for the future we prepare
Witamy! أهلا بك! સ્વાગત છે! Soo dhawow! Benvenuto!
Bi xêr hatî! Добро пожаловать!
Bine ati venit! ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ! Ób'ókhían!
Welcome to 3J's Class Page!
3J have made a fantastic start to life at Shaftesbury Junior School. I have been impressed with the resilience they have all shown for themselves as well as the care and support they show others. The class are very enthusiastic and excited to learn and they have immersed themselves into the curriculum. I am looking forward to continue working with them during the exciting Spring and Summer terms!
Mrs Justesen
Year 3 have their PE session on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons so please come to school wearing your PE kits on these days.
At the beginning of the term, each child will be provided with a homework grid. Please hand in homework every Thursday! Looking forward to seeing some great pieces of homework!
Homework: Hand in every Thursday
Spelling Test - Every Wednesday
Times tables Test - Every Tuesday
Reading - Everyday - Please complete your Home Reading Mile every time you read. Parents must sign the Home Reading Mile for it to count towards their overall Reading Mile!
History and Geography
In topic this term we are learning about life in the Stone Age. We are learning when this happened in history, how they lived, comparing their lives to ours and seeing how things developed.
At Shaftesbury Junior School, we follow the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths) curriculum for our Maths teaching. We began this term with a unit on Place Value and Addition & Subtraction.
So far we have read Into The Forest. We will write letters, described settings and created a missing person profile. Later this term, we will focus on character descriptions and work on our vocabulary choices.
Autumn term begun by looking at rocks and soils.
We are currently looking at the early acquisition of the language and working on the pronunciation of the vowels.
We are currently following the Jigsaw programme, in which we are looking at the world around us and our place in it.
Religious Education
At Shaftesbury we follow the Leicester Agreed Syllabus. We ensure the children meet the requirements by holding RE days termly.
Physical Education
This term we will be learning about football and dance and movement.