In Year 5 and 6 English as an Additional Language (EAL) children are supported both in and out of class by
Mrs Chilton-Thomas.
The focus is on spoken and written English understanding.
- Children have the opportunity to use their home language to support their understanding, draw on prior experiences and are given opportunities to share their cultural and religious knowledge.
- Children’s spoken levels are analysed using the NASSEA framework and they are given additional support to aid progression and understanding of the language demands of lessons.
- Language learning opportunities are given in short, time-focused sessions giving pupils with EAL time to transfer skills from one topic/subject to another.
- Opportunities to use visual materials and first language knowledge to enhance both understanding and access to curriculum-based subjects is a priority for enabling class-based support.
- Teaching strategies are discussed and shared with class teachers and support staff to ensure curriculum access and language acquisition.
- Support for EAL children includes - pre teach. the children are given further explanations of key vocabulary including pictorial cues, along with this, sentence stems and word banks are used in class. 1-1 conferencing, editing and vocabulary choices are discussed along with grammar support to aid class based English lessons. Reading, fluency and inference sessions are timetabled around guided reading sessions weekly. In class support, this enables children to meet their potential in a classroom environment. Planning, this allows additional access to support through translation and vocabulary ideas.
- Over the many years I have hosted visitors and dignitaries from European countries and been filmed for French TV to demonstrate EAL teaching. Pre Covid, link meetings have been hosted by myself to share findings and teaching practice with local primary schools. Valuable experience for support staff has been disseminated across both schools and with individual teaching staff.