
Shaftesbury Junior School

We care, we share, for the future we prepare


Welcome to 5P's class page for 2023-24.

Here we will be sharing what we have been learning at school.

Below you will find what we will learn about throughout the year and key information specific to Year 5.


Mr Page is on playground duty on Tuesdays. If you need to speak with him on another day, please ask. 

Every Monday afternoon 

Swimming - Please ensure you child has their swimming kit, googles (if consent form has been provided) and a coat as we will be walking to and from the pool.


Every Tuesday afternoon

PE - Come to school wearing your PE kits and bring your coats and water bottles too. 


Every Wednesday

Spelling Test - Spellings will be given on a Wednesday to learn for the following Wednesday. We will be learning a new spelling pattern every week as well as our statutory spelling lists.



Every week choose a piece of work from the homework sheet and complete in your homework books.  



We will be reading for 15-20 mins every day in class.

Reading at home is still vital so continue to read as much as possible at home.


Times Tables

You should continue to practice your times tables each week at home. 

This could be done through TT Rockstars, Hit The Button or another programme. 
